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list of supported devices

Below is the list of the currently supported devices. You can always check what devices and how are supported by looking into the device.mak file.

List of devices supported by MAKAO.
Hardware platform TARGET_DEVICE value Default toolchain Default output filename Default flash tool
PC (Windows default) x86 mingw-64 target.exe none
PC (Windows 32-bit) x86_32 mingw-32 target.exe none
PC (Windows 64-bit) x86_64 mingw-64 target.exe none
PC (Linux default) x86 gcc target.elf none
PC (Linux 32-bit) x86_32 gcc target.elf none
PC (Linux 64-bit) x86_64 gcc target.elf none
Atmel ATmega atmega* avr-gcc target.hex none
Atmel ATSAM3S atsam3s* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf j-link
Atmel AT91SAM9 at91sam9* arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc target.elf none
Intel Edison edison* i586-poky-linux-gcc target.elf none
Silicon Labs EFM32LG efm32lg* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf j-link
Silicon Labs EFM32GG efm32gg* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf j-link
Silicon Labs EFM32WG efm32wg* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf j-link
Silicon Labs EZR32LG ezr32lg* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf j-link
Silicon Labs EZR32WG ezr32wg* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf j-link
Silicon Labs EZR32HG ezr32hg* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf j-link
Nordic NRF52 nrf52* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf nrfjprog
Atmel SAMA5 sama5* arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc target.elf none
ST STM32F0 stm32f0* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf st-link
ST STM32L0 stm32l0* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf st-link
ST STM32F1 stm32f1* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf st-link
ST STM32F3 stm32f3* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf st-link
ST STM32L4 stm32l4* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf st-link
ST STM32F4 stm32f4* arm-none-eabi-gcc target.elf st-link
Raspberry Pi raspberrypi arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc target.elf none
Raspberry Pi 2 raspberrypi2 arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc target.elf none
Raspberry Pi 3 raspberrypi3 arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc target.elf none