HALFRED  0.4.0
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
hal_nv.h File Reference

Non-volatile memory API. More...

Detailed Description

Non-volatile memory API.

HAL non-volatile memory module.

HALFRED Hardware Abstraction Layer
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "hal_config.h"
#include "hal_os.h"
#include "hal_bp.h"

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Data Structures

struct  NV_AddressMap_Tag
struct  NV_MemPeripheral_Tag
struct  NV_MemDevice_Tag
struct  NV_Memory_Tag


#define NV_INIT_MEMORY(mem_map, phy_data, dev_ops)   { NULL, &(mem_map), (void*)(phy_data), &(dev_ops) }
#define NV_INIT_MEMDEVICE(devs, no_devs)   { (devs), (no_devs), NULL, false, false, false }


typedef uint32_t NV_Addressable
typedef uint32_t NV_DevId
typedef struct NV_Memory_TagNV_Memory
typedef struct NV_AddressMap_Tag NV_AddressMap_T
typedef NV_AddressMap_TNV_AddressMap
typedef struct NV_MemPeripheral_Tag NV_MemPeripheral_T
typedef NV_MemPeripheral_TNV_MemPeripheral
typedef struct NV_MemDevice_Tag NV_MemDevice_T
typedef NV_MemDevice_TNV_MemDevice
typedef struct NV_Memory_Tag NV_Memory_T


enum  NV_OpResult {


void NV_MemDeviceInit (NV_MemDevice mdev, uint8_t *buffer)
void NV_MemDeviceDeInit (NV_MemDevice mdev)
NV_OpResult NV_MemDeviceLock (NV_MemDevice mdev)
void NV_MemDeviceUnlock (NV_MemDevice mdev)
NV_OpResult NV_ReadSync (NV_Memory nv_mem, NV_Addressable addr, NV_Addressable size, void *dst)
NV_OpResult NV_WriteSync (NV_Memory nv_mem, NV_Addressable addr, NV_Addressable size, const void *src)
NV_OpResult NV_Erase (NV_Memory nv_mem)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define NV_INIT_MEMORY (   mem_map,
)    { NULL, &(mem_map), (void*)(phy_data), &(dev_ops) }

Initializer ("constructor") for the the NvMemory object. It should be used as initializer in declaration of the NV_Memory_T object.

mem_mapan NV_AddressMap_T object with definition of memory layout (for some devices its content is initialized automatically)
phy_dataa pointer to physical data associated with NV_Memory object (e.g. NV_AT45DB_PhyData)
dev_opsan NV_MemPeripheral object with definitions of operations for given NV_Memory type of device
#define NV_INIT_MEMDEVICE (   devs,
)    { (devs), (no_devs), NULL, false, false, false }

Initializer ("constructor") for the the NV_MemDevice object. It should be used as initializer in declaration of the NV_MemDevice_T object.

devsan array of pointers to NV_Memory objects
no_devslength of the devs array

Typedef Documentation

typedef uint32_t NV_Addressable

Type for values used as addresses or offsets in the NV memory devices.

typedef uint32_t NV_DevId

Type for values used as device IDs.

Type for keeping the properties of the logical NV memory device. The properties are: start_addr: it is a base address used to access data on device end_addr: the end data address available in the device (the addressing between start_addr and end_addr is continous) write_len_unit: length of the physical write operation for described device

Type for handle used to access the NVMemory objects.

Type for properties of the MemPeripheral object.

Type for handle used to access the NVMemory objects.

Type for properties of the NV_MemDevice object.

Type for handle used to access the NVMemory objects.

typedef struct NV_Memory_Tag NV_Memory_T

Type for properties of the NvMemory object.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Possible values returned by the API functions from this module.

Function Documentation

void NV_MemDeviceInit ( NV_MemDevice  mdev,
uint8_t *  buffer 

Initializes the NV_MemDevice object. This functions initializes memory device and associated NvMemory objects. In case when asynchronous operations are enabled then it also allocates request queue and semaphore pool objects. This function shall to be called before using any other API functions from this module.

mdevNV memory device handle
bufferbuffer used for physical operations, its size have to be large enough to keep the whole write unit for a given physical device (i.e. page size)
req_queue_lenlength of the requests queue (only when asynchronous operations are enabled) - the request queue should be large enough to keep requests from all tasks using NV module, in case of asynchronous requests this parameter should be carefully tuned
sem_pool_lensize of the semaphore pool (only when asynchronous operations are enabled) - the semaphores from pool are used for handling synchronous requests, this pool should be large enough to allow as many as designed of the synchronous operations
bpoolbuffer pool (only when asynchronous operations are enabled) - these buffers are used to keep asynchronous requests data (until is is serviced)
void NV_MemDeviceDeInit ( NV_MemDevice  mdev)

Deinitializes the NV_MemDevice object. After this function is called no further API calls will be allowed for given NV_MemDevice.

mdeva memory device handle
NV_OpResult NV_MemDeviceLock ( NV_MemDevice  mdev)

Temporary locks the NV_MemDevice object. All API functions called for locked object will immediately return with NVOP_LOCKED error code. To unlock device the NV_MemDeviceUnlock should be called.

mdeva memory device handle
flusha flag to indicate if all operations should be finished before the device is locked (only when asynchronous operations are enabled)
NVOP_OK if there was no errors or NVOP_BAD_REQUEST if parameters are worng or NVOP_IN_PROGRESS if there is (physical) operation in progress (only if asynchronous operations are enabled )
void NV_MemDeviceUnlock ( NV_MemDevice  mdev)

Unlocks previously locked the NV_MemDevice object. If given object was not locked by the NV_MemDeviceLock function then no action is taken.

mdeva memory device handle
NV_OpResult NV_ReadSync ( NV_Memory  nv_mem,
NV_Addressable  addr,
NV_Addressable  size,
void *  dst 

This function synchronously reads data from the NV memory.

nv_mema NV memory handle
addraddress to read from
sizethe length of read operation
dstthe destination location for read data (its length should be at least "size" bytes)
status of the read operation
NV_OpResult NV_WriteSync ( NV_Memory  nv_mem,
NV_Addressable  addr,
NV_Addressable  size,
const void *  src 

This function synchronously writes data to the NV memory.

nv_mema NV memory handle
addraddress to write to
sizethe length of write operation
srcthe source location for written data (its length should be at least "size" bytes)
status of the write operation
NV_OpResult NV_Erase ( NV_Memory  nv_mem)

This function synchronously erases the whole device. The value placed in the NV memory after the operation is dependent on attached physical device.

nv_mema NV memory handle
status of the erase operation